Sunday, June 29, 2008


Once when my sister Ali was 4 and I was 9, she woke up remembering a really intense dream, which she began to tell to our mother & myself.
Ali: "And then I was kidnapped by racoons, and they took me down into a hole in the ground..."
Lisa: "...what happened next?"
Ali (with a roll of her 4 year old eyes): "You know! You were there."

(some of the ages in this story have been approximated).

Friday, June 13, 2008


wow! ok--I didn't get a million dollars, but I did get a windfall! As they say, the universe is conspiring to help you succeed...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

teeny tiny serendipities

Flying back from New England, I was thinking about summer and cooking and I was remembering that I had a lot of corn masa from making empanadas last September, and I was wondering what else you could do with corn masa, and 2 minutes later I was reading a magazine that had a recipe for corn masa cakes with grilled poblano chilies.

So then I started thinking about a million dollars...and I'll keep you posted!