Saturday, February 24, 2007


adj. Of, relating to, or being the uppermost layer of a body of water that receives sufficient light for photosynthesis and the growth of green plants.
see photic:
1. of or pertaining to light.
2. pertaining to the generation of light by organisms, or their excitation by means of light.
3. well-lit

Euphotica: I like it--related to the ocean, related to photo/light, related to biolumenence, which for me relates to wonder. It's kind of like euphoria and it rhymes with erotica. Cool. Plus the synchronicity of creating a blog, forgetting what I called it, and then getting to create a new one and finding euphotic! I went on-line to find something poetically ocean-travel related and turned to searching Google, like a little plankton floating through the world wide web (did you know plankton is Greek for wander or drift?). One more simile: it was like crystal-mining in Arkansas--looking through this pile of mud and then suddenly, all bright and shiny, there it was--euphotic. The more I read about it, the better it kept on getting. Euphotic is a word of Greek origin, and it literally means "good light". There's even a Euphotic Foundation, which is: "is dedicated to all those beings who wander the earth bringing us Good Light and in some small way to making a contribution for the betterment of the World we live in." Wow.